starting this holiday in Yogyakarta

Saturday, 13 June 2015
p: nit, lo boleh ke jogja ga nemenin gue tes?
n: hahh? emang lo kapan tesnya? berapa hari?
p: terserah lo bisanya kapan, tesnya bebass
n: gue tanya nyokap gue duluya

Sunday, 14 June 2015
n: PUTTT ayo senin sampe rabu yok sebelom puasa
p: yaudahhh gue terserah loo bisanya kapann

yeayyyy so excited with this unexpected trip. after book the train tickets and the hotel we went to Jogjakarta on monday morning (subuh exactly) we took the train at 6.45 a.m this is the first time i take a trip to out of town just me and my friend  

Day 1

we went to Senen Station and got into the train because we took the economic class so we got the chair and confronted with strangers but after few hours we aware that the train was empty so we moved to another chair so we could straighten our feet and sit comfortably. well i just slept, read a novel and ate then repeated until we arrived. Then we realized that we arrived at wrong station......we should be in Tugu Station but we were in Lempuyangan Station we got confused until someone who cares with us explained that we were not far from the Tugu Station, he chose the taxi and put the lowest payment for us ( he is so kindd kyaaa, well thank you so much for someone who help us) but i just wanna tell you that we still have to becarefull of strangers. we went to Tugu Station with that taxi, you have to know that we went to Tugu Station just took some photos there:3 HAHA sorry for the dorky. we pay Rp 25.000 for taxi just for took a photo and it turns out that Lempuyangan and Tugu Station is near we were so dumb then we decided took a walk from Tugu Station to the Hotel at Malioboro (Hotel Pules) the Hotel is reccomended the strategic hotel, clean and comfy but we just pay Rp 275.000 for 3 days 2 nights/person. After check-in we took a rest, when i woke up there was Putri's friend in my room, she is from Jakarta like us but she was in Jogja from 2 weeks ago. We got conversation until 7 am i guess then we went out for got the dinner at Malioboro and that was our stupid fact because we didnt know how expensive it was.......we didnt see the price but kita udah terlanjur duduk dan kita gamungkin langsung cabut:) so we just enjoy those standard dish taste with that fuckin over-price. we wont eat in that place again, i want warn you all backpacker who want to enjoy cheap food in Jogjakarta dont u ever eat on the edge of the malioboro street:) *at night* *tempat-tempat lesehan sok asik* After i wasn't in the good mood because i just spent my money to inappropriate dinner, i back to the hotel...well i want to explore jogja at night but my friend have took a rest because she will got test at tomorrow.

Day 2
i woke up at 5 a.m impatient to take a walk outside the Hotel. We just take a walk arround Malioboro, you can see at 6.40 a.m there were nobody along the street waaa i wish that happened to Jakarta all day. 

find those cute sculpture (ice age figure) after we took a walk the sun appeared and we got breakfast (soto ayam) just Rp 7.000 hahaha abis itu langsung caww deeh nganterin putri tesss sebenernya mau ke benteng Vredeburg but it didnt open at the morning.

it was 1 pm Putri had finished her test, we had lunch at Sop Ayam Pak Min, so cheap i think with my feel about the last night eaten the expensive food at Malioboro hhh masih kesel then we took a rest in the Hotel about an hour. I couldnt wait to go to some place. Quickly we went outside then we bought 'lumpia ayam' at Malioboro, you can find the stall the crowdest one. We brought the lumpia to Benteng Vredeburg and ate know what? the taste is so good!! i want more but we just bought one. by the way Benteng Vredeburg Museum was a former colonial fortess, the complex has so beautiful architectural and clean also. 

Our next destination was Alun-Alun Kidul (selatan) by becak, this is the first time i went to Alun-Alun Kidul, there were 2 big trees ( pohon beringin) and the games is if we can walk through between the trees with closed eyes the myth is our wish will come true hahaha i dont believe that myth but i try the game 2 times the first i turn left and failed but the second i ALMOST succeed but i hit the wall arround the tree haha people arround me laugh. i have the record but i'm too lazy to upload the video:( the sky was getting dark so we decided to sat at the edge of Alun-Alun to enjoy the toast with my friend and was spending the night with long conversation. Then we were having dinner on there too.

Day 3
wuttttttt this is the last day in Jogja:( bangun super pagi buat packing dan siapsiap because we're gonna go to Goa Pindul YEAYY! so exited. We arrived there at 9 a.m and sooooo happy and so lucky because not so many tourist. we took 2 packet. one is caving and the other is rafting so we paid Rp 75.000. The guide was pak....i forget heuhehe but he is so kind ooohya i was regret that i didnt brought my digital camera so i just brought my handphone because it was so beautiful parahhsih bagus banget airnya bersihhh mau moto semua sudut goa rasanya but actually i scared if my camera drown:) so i just brought my handphone and bought the protector ofcourse. The guide was so fun, he brought my handphone and he took photo all the time( seriously all the time) my gallery directly full of photos in Goa Pindul:) thanksss guide hahaha but one thing that made me bad mood was my pants was torn:( right in my.... yaa you know! lol. so i couldnt jump from the waterfall i know that will made worst so i stayed under the water huhu.You see the pict below that we were holding hand and were lying that pose was told by my guide hahaha he is the best guide ever!! After caved in Goa Pindul we went rafting. first we were on the tires but we decided to swam about 1 km HAHA we were great right because i loveeeee swim soo much. haaaa akhirnya nyampe juga abis itu kita dikasih gorengan pake sambel bawang(bayar sebenernya pake nota) haha it was sooo tasty i dont know because we were hungry or not. After we took a bath, we back to the Hotel to check out but on the way we had lunch at Bakso....what's the name? i forgot! good job nit i'm easy to forget well that's my weakness. fyi we were tired we just wanna lying on the bed but we couldnt because we just checked out from the hotel:) nice. My plan was i want bought some lumpia ayam again for take away but it turns out that the stall already closed. So we bought sate kikil in front of Bringharjo Market. it was so good then we went to our friend's kosan. After that we went to Tugu Station and just got sleep until we arrived.

My trip has end and it was exhausting but so FUN!! bye
